The judges adore it when an X-Factor contender gives “Hallelujah” a bit of grit.

When this parent declares that he would be playing one of the most covered songs in recent history, the judges are less than impressed. Even Simon Cowell is speechless once he cracks the first note.

Leonard Cohen, a Canadian singer-songwriter, first published “Hallelujah” in 1984 on his “Various Positions” album. However, it wasn’t until John Cale’s 1991 performance that the song became popular.

The version most of us are familiar with, though, is L.A. session player Jeff Buckley’s chart-topping hit from 1994. The tune has been recorded and performed by over 300 different musical artists since Buckley’s modest performance won our hearts.

American contestant Jeffery Adam Gutt pulls out the masterpiece for the most wonderful reason in this 2012 X Factor audition. Gutt claims that his primary purpose for auditioning is to support his 4-year-old son. This is a performance that any child would be proud of.

The obedient cat drives the kids to school every day and even tries to go inside with them.

Launa was rescued from a charity two years ago by Iveta, a mother of two. The cat quickly became a member of the family and formed special bonds with the boy and girl. The kids stayed at house a lot. She carried the youngsters around with them.

Iveta went to school every day so she could get free lunches even though the kids were homeschooled. Even after the kids started attending school full-time again, Launa stayed with them. Launa made the choice to go to school one day.

She sneaked into the building after the children, but she was swiftly caught. Iveta confessed to the instructor twice after being shocked by the cat’s audacity. Launa was trying to enter through the main doors when Iveta arrived at the school. It appeared that she was waiting for the proper time.

When she saw Iveta, the cat acted nothing has really happened. They were only able to get the cat inside securely by feeding it. Don’t give up; we’re convinced the cat will try again. What are your thoughts?

Дмитрий Певцов резко высказался по поводу приговора Ефремову

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Борода меняет все: Кому из звезд не стоит сбривать бороду

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«Дед мне не нужен» Лолита рассекретила нового бойфренда на 8 лет младше нее

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Наргиз показала фанатам себя молодую с длинными волосами

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Скромная Зара показала длинные ноги, которые восхитили подписчиков

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