This completely blind dog instantly recognizes her owner after a year of separation

The incredible moment this totally blind doggie immediately recognizes her owner after a year of being apart. The dog owner, Steve, first met the dog when she was only 6 weeks old. Once his daughter accidently brought home a blind puppy, Steve was much concerned about what life that doggie would have staying with them, yet the dog’s limitless kindness and tenderness surprised all of them.

Steve’s daughter claims that she is probably the most adorable, faithful and sweetheart dog on this planet. The animal is also very brave and sincerely fond of going on adventures and new experiences. It goes without saying that the only thing the poor blind dog will need is love from the owner which she luckily received.

They confessed the dog became an inseparable part of their family and was admired by everyone. They provided her with innumerable toys and treats. Yet, last year the things were rather tough for them. The family and the dog were unfortunately separated for a year. Thus, when the time came to again meet the dog, Steve was not certain if the dog would recognize or love him the same way.

There has been a tearful and heartwarming reunion one can ever imagine. You can watch the emotional moment below!

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