These exclusive and unique pink dolphins are spotted returning to Hong Kong waters

Meet the most unique and gorgeous marine creature, a stupendous pink dolphin!

Because of the pandemic and other human cruel activities, many wild species of animal and marine creatures are spotted not in their natural habitats, but in the places they have never been witnessed. In this case, it is the Indo-Pacific dolphins that return to where they were destined to be.

As the ferry heavy traffic relatively reduced over the last several months, more and more of these marine creatures were witnessed heading to the Hong Kong waters. According to the investigations, nearly 2500 of these exclusive pink and white dolphins dwell in the Pearl River Estuary being probably the most distinctive and unique marine animals.

One of the research scientist explained that he had been studying these gorgeous dolphins since 1994 and it was the most dramatic change he had ever witnessed and seeing them peacefully swimming and having fun is what satisfies all the animal lovers.

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