This sweet grandmother is 84 years old!
Despite such a venerable age, the old woman leads a rather active lifestyle.
She walks a lot, tries to walk more and looks elegant despite her years.
But more than anything, it is touching how strongly she is attached to a dog named Sally.
Together with the devoted dachshund, she seems to do everything in the world.
In the company of Sally, the old woman drinks tea, sitting on the veranda, and the dog, in turn, watches the birds and breathes in the fresh morning air.
Then she goes for a walk, and happy Sally runs after her.\
And there is no end to kisses at all: the old woman does not get tired of hugging her four-legged friend, and she cheerfully waves her tail, rejoicing at such attention.
And, of course, the pet can always count on a treat: her owner will definitely pamper her four-legged pet.
A tiny puppy appeared in the life of Granny, as her relatives affectionately call her, a couple of years ago.
The baby immediately felt that this particular woman would love her like her own child.
And Sally was not mistaken: as soon as Granny took her in her arms, she immediately fell in love with this charming creature!
And then grief happened: the old woman’s husband died.
She was very upset by the separation from the man with whom she had lived for many years, but Sally helped her cope with the pain of loss.
The dog was always there and pleased the owner with her presence.
Granny was distracted by her pet, and the pain from the loss of a loved one dulled …
At 84, this woman does not lose optimism. She finds a reason to smile, and our four-legged heroine also helps her in this.
Whatever happens, it is enough for Granny to pick up Sally, and the mood immediately improves.
The friendship between the old woman and the dog is so touching that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent!