Our story is about a wild fox who doesn’t hesitate to come closer to the fishermen and ask for food.
According to a study even wild red foxes are extremely adaptive to the new environment, and they usually approach the houses of people and ask for food when it’s cold outside.
When the two fishermen went to a frozen lake in Russia the last thing they expected was the encounter with a fox.
And the wild fox didn’t make them wait for a long time.
Very soon one of the fishermen noticed a wild fox who was roaming around them.
The fox was such an unexpected guest.
The man made up his mind to call the wild animal.
To his surprise the fox answered his call and approached him.
At that moment the fishermen offered the fox food.
Surprisingly who could have thought that a wild fox would accept it.
Then the man took his phone and took some pictures of that unusual incident.
Finding out that the fox is so friendly the man got really surprised.
It seemed the fox got really happy and accepted the man’s invitation for a nice photoshoot in exchange for some tasty food.