After finding Tylo, volunteers gave him a second chance to live and find a loving family

This story took place in Australia. The volunteers got a very strange dog. The dog was neglected and only remotely resembled a dog. Most likely, it looked like an old, plush blanket.

But as soon as the caring hands of animal protectors worked on him, the dog changed beyond recognition.The most interesting thing is that the dog had an owner. True, he did not really care about his pet. The dog named Tylo spent years in the house. He watched what was happening on the street through the door. The owner never even cut his hair for all this time.

After finding Tylo, volunteers gave him a second chance to live and find a loving family
Soon the owner was so tired of the dog that he decided to euthanize him. Fortunately, it fell into the good hands of volunteers.

They administered a sedative to the animal and the volunteers were able to take it to a groomer. Tylo’s “fur coat” was in a terrible state. It was winter outside at the time.

After finding Tylo, volunteers gave him a second chance to live and find a loving family

So that the dog does not freeze, they put on a nice black jacket. After that, he was castrated and vaccinated.

On the success of his life, the dog learns to trust people again. Volunteers have already started looking for new owners for him.

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