The Arizona Humane Society removed 2 pounds of matted fur from a cat, who was adopted 2 days later

Looking at this pile of matted fur, it was difficult to understand what kind of animal was hiding under it.

What a pain it was to live with such a burden!

The Arizona Humane Society’s emergency veterinary service received a call stating that an animal whose owner died is in desperate need of help.

A few hours later, an unknown animal was brought to the shelter, hidden behind kilograms of dirty matted fur.

By a weak meow, it became clear: it’s a cat!

The Arizona Humane Society removed 2 pounds of matted fur from a cat, who was adopted 2 days later

The poor thing looked so terrible that the medical staff didn’t even know where to start.

According to doctors, it was one of the most neglected cases they had to deal with.

But in the practice of AHS there were many of them. The organization’s employees daily rescue sick, injured and domestically abused animals, and then look for a new home for them.

The Arizona Humane Society removed 2 pounds of matted fur from a cat, who was adopted 2 days later
Fluffer – that was the name of the unfortunate animal – behaved surprisingly calmly. So it was decided to shave her without injections of sleeping pills.

She steadfastly endured inconvenience and pain – and this is rare, because usually cats are nervous even from a simple haircut.

The unpleasant procedure lasted about an hour – and, finally, the 4-year-old cat was free from the burden that she had worn for many years.

Under a pile of matted fur was a sweet and calm creature. Fluffer behaved very affectionately, thanking people for their help.

Shelter employees barely had time to post her photo on their page on social media, when applications began to arrive from those who wanted to take the cat to their home.

Within two days, all the formalities were settled, and the animal went to the new owners.

The cat feels great and is ready for an active and happy life – which she has been deprived of for many years.

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