A cute kitty named Tulip didn’t stop smiling after being rescued and given a forever home

Tulip is a 10-month-old tuxedo kitten who faced many difficulties in the past.

Despite the hardships he is still smiling and happy with the start of each new day.

He was found in the streets of Ontario, Canada as a 2 week old cat.

She had a serious eye infection and was in great need of medical treatment.

The cat didn’t stop smiling when the rescuer was capturing him. He was happy and sweet.

The cute tiny kitty didn’t imagine that the photo could help her find a forever lovely home.

Jenn and Chris were searching for a friend for their cat named Pinecone.

The smile of this sweet creature drew their attention, and they made up their mind to adopt her.

When the couple went to meet her, the cat was still smiling even in the shelter.

They were shocked to see the cat still with the same smile on her face and fell in love with both her appearance and character.

When they brought her home they understood that her smile always is present in her face.

She also became a good friend of Pinecone, the other cat in the house.

For Tulip, every day is a happy day as she is surrounded with a good friend and a loving family.

This story reminds us once more that no matter how hard the circumstances, everything is temporary.

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