The Malabar sweet giant multicolored squirrel is so beautiful that people can’t believe it’s real

When you think about squirrels the first thing in your mind is its behaviour. This sweet and cute squirrel’s job is to steal seeds from your bird feeder.

I am sure that you every North American has seen black red or gray colored squirrel in his/her life.

However, when you enter the deep Indian forest, here you will come across such unusual and unique squirrels that will make you think they are not real.

This exotic forest is the place where the largest squirrel in the world inhabits- Malabar squirrel or the Indian giant squirrel.

When the wildlife specialist John Koprowski noticed at first the squirrel he thought he discovered a new type !

They differ from all the squirrels in the world due to their body size. They have bigger body shape than a usual squirrel.

The animal has 36 inches from head to tail.

What makes them so special is their fur color which is a combination of purple, black, brown and even orange.

When you have a look at them in the sunlight you admire their true stunning beauty!

These Indian huge squirrels are a part of the prehistorical group of squirrels.

They are so unique and interesting!

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