The abandoned Chihuahua mix puppy looked like a mummy but love and care transformed him

The puppy, named Blondie, was admitted to the Maricopa County Animal Control Center in Arizona at the end of October last year. He was completely bald, and his skin was covered in scabs.

In appearance, the emaciated and sick Chihuahua looked more like a mummy than a dog.

The animal was put on the waiting list for euthanasia, but the volunteers of the center did not want to give up so easily and shared a video of the puppy on a social network, asking users for help.

The video caught the eye of Sky Sanctuary co-founder Caitlin Beall.

The abandoned Chihuahua mix puppy looked like a mummy but love and care transformed him

“When I saw the video with Blondie, I just took my breath away,” she says. The dog looked terrible. She sat in her kennel and trembled with fear. We understood: we need to get her out of there quickly.”

Caitlin immediately went to the county seat with her business partner Ellie Smith.

“We couldn’t wait to see Blondie. The staff of the center pulled her out of the cage and brought her to us. The condition of the dog was even worse than we expected,” Caitlin recalls. “I don’t know how to put into words what her skin looked like.”

The puppy was taken to the veterinary clinic, and the doctors’ prognosis was encouraging: there is a chance that the fur, that has completely fallen out due to the infestation with scabies mites, will someday grow back.

The dog was treated, and Caitlin was able to take her home.

The abandoned Chihuahua mix puppy looked like a mummy but love and care transformed him

There, the puppy perked up and quickly became friends with other dogs, but Blondie was still wary of her owner.

Caitlin was worried that after all the trials, the dog would never be able to trust people.

One evening, Blondie taken a bath – and this was the moment when the first ray of hope appeared.

“I took off her towel and waited for her to run and hide from me, as she always did,” recalls Caitlin. “But something happened that evening: Blondie walked a few steps away from me, then came back and climbed onto my lap. I cried with happiness.”

After several months of treatment and care, Blondie began to heal not only the wounds on the skin, but also the wounds in the soul. The first fur of a wonderful chestnut color appeared.

The dog has changed not only externally, but also internally – now she runs a lot and plays with her stepsisters and brothers.

Appetite and faith in people returned to Blondie.

She rejoices, frantically wagging her tail, and Caitlin is surprised each time by what a loving and cheerful dog she has become.

“I’m so proud of her. Can’t wait to find out what the future holds for this incredible girl,” says Caitlin.

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