When the doggy lost his best friend, he didn’t expect such a good surprise from his family.
Doggies are the most faithful animals, who are always next to humanity. They are so sentimental, that can feel the happiness or the pain. These helpful animals can give their owners big love and devotion.
Two pets could peacefully stay at home together when the owners weren’t at home. They really enjoyed their time together.
A nice doggy named Forsberg and a cute catty named Ginger were faithful friends, who were always together and loved each other a lot.
It was clear that they couldn’t live separately, so their love and friendship were forever. How pretty they were!
It comes from the ancient times, that doggies and catties are enemies, so the friendship between these animals seems impossible. But Forsberg and Ginger showed everyone the opposite. They became undivided friends.
But then something awful happened: the poor catty had an illnesss: cancer. After some time she died.
It was very depressive for her friend, who was in stress. He stayed lonely. No one and nothing could support him.
The only thing that could help him was bringing a new partner. So his family did so. A new cutie came to their home. His name is Max, who is as cute and faithful as the previous catty.
The doggy found his happiness again. It was a big surprise for him. They easily understood to each other and became best friends. How cute couple!