Once the baby stopped breathing, the dog was the first to notice that trying to give signs to her parents

The dog tried to alert the owners that the kid stopped breathing and without him she wouldn’t be saved

The owner of the dog emotionally explained how smart and overprotective their dog proved to be immediately rushing to enter her bedroom and by showing some signals and signs, the woman perceived there was something to worry about. And they tragically found out that their little daughter stopped breathing. They hurried to take her to the hospital and, fortunately, the girl was saved and brought back to life. The mother originally knew that her daughter was feeling a little bit bad and was sick, yet her situation proved to be more tragic. Nevertheless, the heroic dog appeared at the right time to rescue the unconscious kid.

The woman added the dog kept coming to her in terror and panic regardless of woman’s numerous attempts to make him leave the nursery. And, as it was later found out, their daughter lacked oxygen and literally stopped breathing.

The kid was in nursery and though the woman did everything to keep him away from the daughter, the loyal pet kept coming over and over as if informing about something catastrophic. After a while, the mother perceived her daughter wasn’t breathing any more.

The couple explained their daughter was feeling quite well the last time they saw her and then witnessing her without breathing put them in panic and they rushed to the hospital to save her life.

Luckily, the girl was kept alive by doctors’ efforts within several hours and was fully recovered. The pair is grateful to their faithful doggie and confesses that without his alarms and signs, they definitely wouldn’t manage to bring their baby back to live.

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