Puppy makes little girl smile again after multi-vehicle car crash paralyzes her

Memphis Rose survived a severe accident but remained bedridden.

Volunteers of the charity fund decided to try to give the child a little happiness.

Together with her grandmother and uncle, 6-year-old Memphis Rose was driving home when their car was involved in an accident.

The girl received numerous injuries, a fracture of the spine and cardiac arrest.

Doctors miraculously managed to save her, but the child remained paralyzed from the neck down.

When Memphis opened her eyes in the hospital, she was frightened, because she was connected to a ventilator and did not feel her body.

Puppy makes little girl smile again after multi-vehicle car crash paralyzes her

In addition, the girl’s uncle died in the accident, and her grandmother was injured. The girl was in an atmosphere of grief and depression.

The local charity “Chasin A Dream” decided to help Memphis. They contacted the family to find out what she likes. It turned out that she likes dogs.

For the first time in weeks, doctors and parents saw Memphis smile when the puppy named Juliet was brought to her.

Puppy makes little girl smile again after multi-vehicle car crash paralyzes her

The dog made the child forget at least for a while about the pain, the loss of loved ones and the accident.

The puppy is taken daily to the hospital to Memphis. In addition, the dog will be trained to become a helper for the girl.

Memphis has yet to undergo intensive physical therapy. Doctors think that she will never be able to walk again, but they hope that treatment and rehabilitation will help make her life easier.

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