The biker gang releases the neglected animals from their abuser owners: They already saved hundreds of them during their career

This American gang started a non-profit project to rescue all the abused animals

Though these tattooed bikers may not seem pleasant and kind personalities at first sight, in this case, they heroically saved numerous animals across the country. Furthermore, the bikers opened a charity organization main purpose of which is to rescue and release as many poor and neglected animals as possible. They also save the animals who are, sadly, ignored by their cruel and indifferent owners. Their project is actually a non-profit one and they don’t have intentions to benefit from this.

They confess that many people who are aware of their activity regard them super heroes, yet they claim that they are, actually, super animal lovers and despite the obstacles and challenges they face during their career they eagerly continue their life-saving job. The gang has also relationships with local shelters and public companies. Since then, the bikers managed to save hundreds of cats, dogs, horses and even fish.

The gang of the bikers mainly deals with cases relating to abuse of the owners towards their defenseless animals. All in all, they are super gentle-hearted and are always ready to give a helping hand to animals. For instance, one of them carried a newborn kitten everywhere he should go as the little baby needed to be fed every three hours.

The team also teaches others how to sincerely love and respect animals. They all are great animal lovers and do everything possible to release and support each animal who is tortured or abused by their indifferent owners.

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