Under these two amazing dog’s happy and joyful faces there hides a real tragedy, yet the heartwarming friendship they share helps them feel totally protected and overcome any hardships and difficulties. As it was later discovered, the two dogs had gone through the toughest life anyone else could ever imagine. Abandoned in the streets in Louisiana with their mother dog and six siblings, Star was born completely deaf and blind and the warm connection he has with his brother is something out of this world! It is actually what makes him feel complete and loved.
Only due to a kind-hearted couple he and his family was mercifully rescued. But another problem arose: there was not enough space for all of them and Star with his brother was taken to the Helen Woodward Animal Center. There all the puppies except the two have finally been adopted.
Only due to his trusty brother, Star received love and support required for her feeling most protected beside her faithful sibling. These two were taking good care of each other filling their life with joy and limitless happiness.
When Star appears to feel downhearted and distressed, his caring brother rushes to check if everything is okay and manages to calm him down. One of the workers said they were fond of playing tumble, with rope joys and chew stuffed toys. And once Star loses him, he immediately comes back to make him feel relaxed and protected again.
Absolutely everyone adores the two creatures’ special bond and warm attitude towards each other.
When the brother moves to another place, she slowly and carefully moves putting her paw out next to the other and she “maps” out of the area.