A cat named Narnia became known to the public in 2018 and impressed everyone with his unique and amazing appearance.
The pet is often called “two-faced” because its face is divided into two parts exactly in the middle and is in two colors: black and gray.
The main part of the cat’s body is black, there is a white speck on the neck.
Narnia’s eyes are also unusual: they are bright blue, although most of the British breed are yellow.
Interesting fact! Narnia has its own Instagram page, which more than 240 thousand Internet users are following.
The cat’s owner Stephanie Jiminez is a professional breeder, and she just adores the British, as they are incredibly cute.
The owner of Narnia recently shared a joyful event.
Her amazing pet became a dad.
The children of Narnia inherited both shades of their dad, but separately.
The kittens’ eyes are yellow, the rarest blue color from the “two-faced” cat was not inherited by them.
By the way, the mother of the kittens is also very beautiful.
Animals similar to Narnia are called chimeras in science.
Such representatives of the fauna have simultaneously two different sets of DNA, which is possible when two embryos merge after conception.
But the owner of the cat, Stephanie, carried out a genetic analysis of her pet. And during testing it turned out that her pet, from a scientific point of view, is not a chimera.
So its rare color is a mystery of nature.
Narnia, according to the owner, does an excellent job of paternal responsibilities, happily plays with kittens and takes care of them.
Source: https://very-interesting.com/two-faced-cat-becomes-dad