Nice couple noticing the photo of a sad dog decided to adopt him and drives six hours to pick him up from the shelter

Benji was a stray dog, who was taken from the streets and brought to the Los Angeles Animal shelter. He had such a sad face and were not that sociable, so the staff tagged him as an unfriendly dog.

When they tried to take his photo for their page of adoption, even there he was with this sad, unhappy face. But that was the reason he had been adopted later.

A nice couple, Jessica and Jared, were already ready to adopt a pet, when they eventually moved to a comfortable apartment.

Nice couple noticing the photo of a sad dog decided to adopt him and drives six hours to pick him up from the shelter

So they started to look for a dog, browsing different websites’ pages, and eventually noticed a photo of a sad dog. Their heart were melted with the sad look of the dog, and they decided to adopt him.

So, in order to adopt the dog, they have chosen, the couple had to drive about six hours from Sacramento to Los Angeles.

Nice couple noticing the photo of a sad dog decided to adopt him and drives six hours to pick him up from the shelter
When Jessica and Jared got there and explained their intention and big wish to adopt Benji, the surprised staff tried to persuade them not to adopt him, as he is not friendly, not sociable, and he growls at the people passing by.

But the kindhearted people didn’t change their mind, they didn’t want to leave him there, who could be later euthanized.

Jessica and Jared succeed to adopt Benji. They took him home, who was frightened and confused. As soon as they arrived, he gradually has changed.

He came out from his shell. Benji became cheerful and happy. He was full of life, surrounded by love, attention and care.

Thanks to Jessica and Jared, he found eventually a forever, sweet home.

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