The family makes a snowy mountain in their yard so their dying dog who loves winter the most can play in it one last time

A dog named Maggie was diagnosed with cancer too late.

Knowing that their pet would not last until winter, the owners, Elijah Lee Saltzgaber and his wife Marianna, decided to let her enjoy the snow one last time.

He wrote a Facebook post in which he spoke about the situation and asked for a rent of a machine for the production of snow.

With it, the man hoped to create an artificial snow bank for Maggie in which his dog could lie.

The family makes a snowy mountain in their yard so their dying dog who loves winter the most can play in it one last time

This entertainment was supposed to be the last in Maggie’s life, as they decided to put the seriously ill dog to sleep.

Elijah’s post immediately caught the attention of users. Gradually, through a network of reposts, he reached the staff of the Salt Lake County Ice Center, who decided to help Maggie’s family.

They cut several containers of shavings.
Elijah picked them up and took them to the backyard of his house, where he gave Maggie a little winter party.

The family makes a snowy mountain in their yard so their dying dog who loves winter the most can play in it one last time

Maggie passed away the same day. The owners of the dog purposely left the fun entertainment for last, so that their pet could leave in peace.

These amazing moments, when a dog with cancer again experienced happiness and at least for a short while forgot about the pain and suffering, will forever remain in the memory of her family.

Elijah and Marianna are very grateful to the staff of the ice center, who did not stand aside and helped to realize their dream – to return the feeling of serene happiness to the dog at least one more time.

Maggie’s story moved the followers of the ice center to tears.

They left many kind comments in support of the family’s loss of a pet.

“We are ready to move heaven and earth for our furry babies. Thank you for brightening up Maggie’s last days and for your lovely hearts,” wrote one of the users.

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