Rescued by a kind woman elephant baby struggling for her survival recovered and now followed her human everywhere

There are some individuals, who under the word “pet” understand not only cats and dogs, but another animal, as well, even a wild animal. And what about an elephant?

A kind woman from Zimbabwe, Roxy Danckwerts, rescuing the life of a baby elephant, undertook all the living conveniences for her and took the huge baby under their shelter.

The rowdy elephant, named Moyo, is 15-month-old.
Roxy is a caretaker in the Wild is Life orphanage, who helped numerous wild orphaned animals over 20 years.

From big wild cats to birds and primates, Roxy and the staff rescued and took care of many animals at their rehabilitation center.

But she fell in love with one of them, a rescued baby elephant.

Rescued by a kind woman elephant baby struggling for her survival recovered and now followed her human everywhere

Moyo was only a couple of days, when she was found by the rescuers.

The baby animal was in crucial condition and nobody hoped she can survive. But the little helpless creature was a real fighter.

She overcame the difficulties she encountered and recovered fully, thanks to Roxy’s kind heart, endeavors and love, who did everything to change the life of this huge baby.

Now, Moyo is in a good shape, and she follows her beloved human everywhere she goes.

Rescued by a kind woman elephant baby struggling for her survival recovered and now followed her human everywhere

Moyo is waiting every day for her human to spend time with her. Nobody can explain how, but she recognizes her voice and  smell, and she even knows where she is.

Roxy, surely, consider this baby elephant her best companion, with whom she has farmed a special bond and relationship with love and trust.

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