Dog missing for 8 years instantly recognizes his owner in emotional reunion

It all started in 2012 when Stevie Rodger left his two dogs, Kavik and Konan, in the yard while he went into the house.

Somehow, his pets climbed through the gate and ran away.

Dog missing for 8 years instantly recognizes his owner in emotional reunion

The man searched all evening and learned from his neighbors that the dogs had wandered into a sheep field owned by a farmer friend of his, and he shot at them with a gun.

Konan died on the spot, and Kavik was wounded and disappeared into the forest.

Stevie’s family has been searching for a pet for months, putting up orientation flyers and offering a reward for any information about Kavik, to no avail.

Dog missing for 8 years instantly recognizes his owner in emotional reunion

The owners also spoke about the loss on social media, posting their phone numbers for contact.

“Kavik is a typical daddy’s dog, so he might not go if a stranger calls him. If you see a dog, please call one of these numbers and tell us where he was seen. He is frightened and may need medical attention,” the message said.

Time passed, and the hope of finding Kavik dwindled every day.

Eight years after the disappearance, Stevie got a phone call.

An unfamiliar man said that he saw a dog that looked like Kavik in Birmingham – almost 500 kilometers from his home. The dog fully matched the description on the Internet, only he was severely emaciated.

Dog missing for 8 years instantly recognizes his owner in emotional reunion

Stevie immediately set off. He drove the car for four hours, hoping to meet his missing friend.

The man made such a long journey not in vain – it was really him, his beloved Kavik!

He looked at the owner, and tears flowed from his eyes.

The dog rushed to Stevie and began to lick his face – as if there were no eight years of separation.

The meeting turned out to be very touching. Stevie couldn’t believe his eyes for a long time.

Dog missing for 8 years instantly recognizes his owner in emotional reunion

He had long lost hope of finding Kavik, and this day seemed unreal to him.

The baby was taken to the vet.

The examination revealed that he was underweight and dehydrated.

Also, the doctor found a small formation on the back of the dog, which will soon need to be removed.

But for someone who had been roaming the streets for eight years, Kavik was relatively healthy.

The first night, the dog slept in bed next to the owner, afraid to leave him even for a minute.

His road to full recovery will be a long one. Now it is important to gradually gain weight and avoid stress.

However, the owners of Kavik are ready for any difficulties. They call the return of the pet a “Christmas miracle” and are overwhelmed with happiness from what happened to them.

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