Woman secretly captures her boyfriend singing love song to their rescued pit bull dog

Jen Anderson had already other dogs when she met Lady for the first time. She immediately fell in love with the nine-week-old baby pitbull. She realized that a shelter dog can’t have a bright future and instantly adopted the pup.

Jen with her future husband has always been fond of animals. The minute Lady entered her new house, she was surrounded with love and care.

The dog is so affectionate, sweet and gentle that the love she receives is mutual. She always hugs and seeks for hugs and cuddles from her humans.

Woman secretly captures her boyfriend singing love song to their rescued pit bull dog

But the reason we decided to tell about Lady is the cutest love story she has with her human father.

Jen secretly filmed a very emotional moment that was instantly spread over the Internet. The woman was going to leave the house for shopping when suddenly she heard her future husband singing out loud.

Woman secretly captures her boyfriend singing love song to their rescued pit bull dog

When she approached his room, she secretly turned on her camera. Actually, the man wasn’t just singing. He was doing that for Lady.

During the serenade, the man was also cuddling the little baby. The dog was so appreciative that didn’t stop hugging her human friend. It was a lovely moment so Jen decided not to interrupt the love song and went out of the house.

Woman secretly captures her boyfriend singing love song to their rescued pit bull dog

Later she tells that’s why she herself fell in love with the man – because he is so kind and gentle to animals.

It was a heart-melting moment for the woman. She is happy that her dog has the same feelings for the human daddy.

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