Probably all of you have heard about real-life stories that prove dogs are one of the most affectionate and softhearted creature on Earth. They are always eager to put themselves in danger or even sacrifice their life in order to save others. This story tells about a very kind dog trying to save a little kitten from drowning in the lake. The heart-touching story leaves every single one speechless as it clearly shows that dogs can be regarded as genuine heroes.
No one exactly knew how the tiny kitten appeared in the middle of the lake but due to the dog’s efforts it could now face no threat. The moment was successfully captured on camera by a passing-by stranger.
However unbelievable and incredible such moments seem, it was far not the first time the dogs managed to save other animal’s life.
That’s quite ironic how many people are still certain that dogs and cats are not able to befriend with or even bear the other’s presence. Yet, in point of fact, there are multiple cases when they get along well with each other.