This amateur photographer caught a once-in-a-lifetime black tiger in India
It was, doubtlessly, one of the rarest and most fascinating moments an amateur wildlife photographer accidentally met an extremely uncommon and unique creature. The situation happened this way: the blessed photographer was busy exploring birds at a sanctuary and, all of a sudden, he succeeded in capturing a very infrequent and absolutely majestic tiger.
As it was, later, figured out, this specific breed of tiger can exclusively be found only in Odisha woods and, what is the most tragic, only 10 individuals are left in the world. Unlike most Bengal tigers, this unusual one possesses black stripes because of the condition he is in –melanism. In contrast with albinism- the animals lack skin or fur pigmentation, yet, in this case, there occurs uncommon black pigmentation.
According to scientific studies, these wonderful creatures have been spotted only a few times. And once the photographer noticed him, he couldn’t even think that it was, in a matter of fact, a tiger as he had no idea about the changes resulted by the condition melanism.