This is Baby, the cutest corgi who loves everyone and has a cheeky personality

They are all amazing when they are small!

So, we must hurry, because Baby is now five months old, and soon the puppy charm will be replaced by something else.

This is Baby, the cutest corgi who loves everyone and has a cheeky personality

In the meantime, she is the most cheerful source of tenderness in the world!

Baby lives with her owner May Theint Nwe and senior colleague Cooper.

This is Baby, the cutest corgi who loves everyone and has a cheeky personality

He is already a full two years old, and he looks condescendingly at the foolishness of a petty relative.

Cooper was May’s first Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and she liked the breed so much that the idea to get her own dog appeared by itself.

When Baby grew up a little and began to show her magic, May decided to xreate an Instagram page for her.

This is Baby, the cutest corgi who loves everyone and has a cheeky personality

More than anything, Baby loves to play and is very offended if Cooper refuses her this pleasure.

But not for long, she generally has a light, responsive character.

Her childish spontaneity is manifested in everything!

This is Baby, the cutest corgi who loves everyone and has a cheeky personality

This is probably why baby Corgi is gaining popularity on the Internet so quickly – everyone loves her smile!

As the owner notes, she does little training of the Baby, only general commands, no special training.

And no one forces her to pose in front of the camera, does not arrange photo shoots for wear.

This is Baby, the cutest corgi who loves everyone and has a cheeky personality

On the contrary, the playful disposition of Baby herself constantly makes her seek attention and climb into the lens. Rising star, no less!

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