Meet the ginger seal who became an outcast in his colony for his unusual looks

An exceptionally rare creature with red fur was spotted off the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in Russia.

His unusual appearance attracted the attention of biologists.

Meet  the ginger seal who became an outcast in his colony for his unusual looks

However, the situation is quite extraordinary and may require the help of people.

The animal turned out to be just a baby seal, but its coloration is very unusual.

He has pink fins, red hair and blue eyes.

Scientists say this red seal is an example of a partial albino.

The probability of the birth of such an individual is 1 in 100 thousand cases.

Unfortunately, as is often the case in the animal kingdom, individuals of unusual appearance are often rejected by the community of their own kind, so there is a risk that this cub will be abandoned.

Meet  the ginger seal who became an outcast in his colony for his unusual looks

It is reported that the first signs of such an attitude are already there.

If this happens, biologists will be forced to intervene.

Outwardly, the animal looks well-fed and very active.

This means that he got enough milk from his mother.

So far, no one is chasing him, but the attitude of other seals towards him is rather indifferent, and this causes concern.

Meet  the ginger seal who became an outcast in his colony for his unusual looks

In addition, the seal pup does not see well and may not be able to breed.

If the situation develops according to the “ugly duckling” scenario, zoologists are ready to transport it to the dolphinarium.

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