This unique cat named “Batman” with four ears eventually found caring owners
This feline was named batmen and a single glance at the animal is enough in order to realize the reason. And if we look more attentively, we can notice that the feline surprisingly possesses two pairs of ears. If the cat was born during the medieval ages all the witches and magicians would dream of having this exclusive animal. Whereas, these days, the cat faces a lot of obstacles and difficulties because of its strange appearance and unusual look.
Hello, here is me – Batman
How many generations of this breed had such unique ears before it also passed to Batman?
In fact, in the first half of the 19th century a documentary film was released the hero of which was such an exclusive cat with four ears. This is really a rare mutation so majority of people are not familiar with even nowadays. Yet, the vets assured 3-year-old Batman is absolutely healthy and doesn’t need any medical treatment or special care.
Many people, who heard about this unique and extremely rare kitten showed not so nice and pleasant attitude towards the innocent creature, so the workers of a sanctuary did their best to find the most caring and responsible owners for the poor feline.