Loyal dog has spent two months at front gate waiting for sick owner to come home

After the 55-year-old resident of Lombardy – Marco Maiolani – fell ill with coronavirus and ended up in the hospital, the life of a dog named Billy turned into a “Groundhog Day”.

For two months now, the dog has been sitting at the door of the house and waiting for the owner.

Loyal dog has spent two months at front gate waiting for sick owner to come home

Worried, Marco’s grandchildren constantly persuade the dog to go inside, but he only agrees to do so in the evening.

In the early morning, he is already at the doorstep – waiting for the door to be opened for him so that he can go out onto the porch, taking a favorite blanket, and again look out for his owner all day long.

After testing positive for COVID-19, Marco initially tried to be treated at home.

But his health deteriorated and he was taken to the intensive care unit.

The man fought for his life for two months and only recently went on the mend.

Loyal dog has spent two months at front gate waiting for sick owner to come home

Doctors at St. Mark’s Hospital in Pavia believe that very soon he will be able to return home and hug his faithful furry friend.

The family tells Marco that Billy is waiting for him at the house every day.

These stories warm a man’s soul and help to restore strength faster.

“I miss him so much,” the Italian says. “There are no others like him. I’ll be back soon and be with Billy again.”

Loyal dog has spent two months at front gate waiting for sick owner to come home

Sometimes the dog becomes desperate, and Billy begins to howl loudly and call for the owner.

Relatives of Marco console the pet, telling him that his friend is already on the mend.

And, it seems, he understands everything and believes that they will meet soon.

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