Human helped his shy former shelter dog to overcome her fear from men and everything by organizing trips to Home Depot

Love can do miracles. When you love someone, who’re just ready to do everything to make your loved one happy, to give your loved one all the best. Giving love, we change our lives, as well.

Adopting an animal is a very serious step, which can change not only the life of your pet, but your life, as well.

Your pet now can have a forever sweet and safe home and a beloved human, who will take care of him or her.

Human helped  his shy former shelter dog to overcome her fear from men and everything by organizing trips to Home Depot

And you can enjoy the kind presence of your pet, who will give you his or her unconditional love and loyalty.

Anyway, an adoption is not an easy undertaking.

Some animals live so long at their shelter, that they can’t imagine their lives out of their enclosures.

So, appearing outside their ex comfy zone, they become somehow confused and afraid of everything.

Human helped  his shy former shelter dog to overcome her fear from men and everything by organizing trips to Home Depot

And they need time and right support to overcome their difficulties and return to their normal lives.
Meet dog Heaven, who was adopted by Jackie Rakers from the local shelter.

Heaven was very shy and unconfident, when appeared at Jackie’s home. She was afraid of everything.

So, her kind owner found a way  to help her overcome her fears: to become confident and socialized.

Human helped  his shy former shelter dog to overcome her fear from men and everything by organizing trips to Home Depot

The best place for these was the daily trips to Home Depot. Soon, Heaven started to feel convenient there, he began interacting with the staff and visitors there.

She even gained her own apron, each time wearing it and walking around the store,  she shows she is  a new, special employee.

Human helped  his shy former shelter dog to overcome her fear from men and everything by organizing trips to Home Depot

Now, Heaven found her self-confidence, become sociable and stopped fear of everything due to the constant trips to Home Depot, which became her second home.

So, with a right training, love and patience, she become trustful and happy.

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