Elephant Raju cries after being rescued from 50 years of suffering in chains

This story is about an elephant who had an incredibly cruel life. After being poached by his mother, he was thrown from one owner to another, until he was left in appalling conditions, without shelter at night, and used as a beggar’s support all day. he survived only on passing tourists; sometimes he had to eat plastic paper, being chained during the day. The wildlife organization could not stand the injustice and decided to save him as a result of a brave rescue operation at midnight.

The elephant, realizing that he was being rescued, started crying. «Tears welled up in his eyes. Some were probably in pain, but he seemed to feel that change was coming. «He felt hope for the first time,» says the rescuer.

He spent his whole life in captivity, entertaining his master’s tourists and guests. Realizing that her suffering would soon be over, she wept with tears of joy.

Elephants have a very large hippocampus, an emotionally connected brain structure that is much larger than any human. Whether we are 100% sure or not, scientific research confirms that elephants cry as part of an emotional response.

He spent decades in chains, sometimes having to eat a layer of polyethylene to fill his stomach.

Fortunately, after many years of suffering, Raju was rescued by a brave midnight rescue operation.

The chains were so tightly wrapped that it took 45 minutes to free him.

Brave rescuers took Raju to a shrine 350 miles from the Charity Elephants Conservation.

The elephant was so exhausted he could barely move.

The elephant took its first steps to freedom one minute after midnight in July, finally enjoying a sense of independence.

The charity is confident that Raju will spend the rest of his life suffering.

We are so grateful that Raju is safe.

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