What is it like to live with such a giant in the same house?

Maine Coon is a majestic cat breed. Due to their large size, they seem to be real mythical creatures. By the way, an adult cat can grow up to 120 cm in length, including the tail, and can weigh as much as 9 kilograms.

This breed is originally from the US state of Maine, they used to live on farms to catch mice. It was believed that the larger the cat, the better the hunter. And because of the harsh winters that were in this area, the cats grew long and thick hair.

Another of the recognizable features of the Maine Coon is their large muzzle, though in males, while in females the “face” is more pretty and smaller in size.

A large Maine Coon farm cat is a delightful sight, and if it is a homely and well-groomed cat, this is the owner’s real pride!

So this cat named Lotus even has his own Instagram page, moreover, he already has more than 132 thousand subscribers.

The owner of this mustached shows what it’s like to live in the same house with a huge Maine Coon. For example, if the Lotus lay down on the sofa, then its owner can modestly settle down only in the corner.

And to ask for a tasty treat from the table, all he needs to do is stand on his hind legs.

They even bought a separate chair for him, but this giant barely fits in it.

In addition to Lotus, two smaller Maine Coons, a cat and a young male live in the house.

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