Dog Seen Outside Of Store With A Sign Around His Neck

Animal lovers have a lot to say about this story but regardless of what you may think, this is one SMART DOG, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Steve Moore rescued Jackson, a three-year-old Golden Retriever, from the shelter. Jackson needed a home and Moore stepped up to the plate. Moore took Jackson in and began working with him every day. In just a month, Moore had him trained to do something PHENOMENAL! His “trick” had every passerby that saw Jackson, wanting this dog for themselves… a dog NO ONE showed interest in just a month prior.

Moore took Jackson to high traffic, busy areas so he could work with him while getting used to the noises and distractions around him. He had Jackson sit and stay. Then he had him sit and stay for a longer period of time. Then, he had him sit and stay while he walked away from him. He did this repeatedly UNTIL Jackson could be left on his own long enough for Moore to go inside of a store and get his errands done. Since dogs are not allowed in most stores, this was a better alternative to leaving him in a car where he could overheat. Plus, he wouldn’t be tied up, so if an emergency should happen, Jackson could run to safety.

The final stage was to get him to sit and stay WHILE wearing a sign around his neck. “Dad told me to wait here. Me waiting.” And Jackson is really good at waiting! Even with commotion around him and people walking up to say “hi” and give him pets, Jackson waits, FAITHFULLY for his human to return. Now that’s a GOOD BOY!

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