A wonderful dog named Dash was a respected member of a nice family. He had a special bond with their little boy Peyton. They are always together in their happy and difficult times. Peyton’s mother was glad to bring Dash to their house when seeing how well they are togther. The dog brought a lot of joy to their family and he was unique especially for Peyton.
Their true friendship was perfectly displayed in a very adorable moment when the boy was punished by fighting with his sister and had to stand by a «time-out corner». Though it was a short time for the boy to stand in the nook, Dash couldn’t bear such «cruelty» towards his companion. When the woman came the room she witnessed something amazing.
The dog approached his friend and stood beside him to support and encourage him. Dash knew his fellow needed his help. The scene was incredible!
As these cases could be many the boy is sure that he has a loyal friend who will never leave him alone whatever it can happen.