Those of us who have a pet at home know that these little animals are always looking for a way to show their love and reciprocate all the attention they receive, but this story shows us a very particular case.
It’s about Jordan, an adorable cat who for years has been delighted to bring his mother, Bj Ross, strange gifts.
This beautiful cat has a routine of going out at night to explore the area and returning home with something to give to his mom, who appreciates the detail of his beloved pet, but with what he does not agree.
In January of this year Ross noticed that a strange number of shoes had begun to appear in his garden. At first she didn’t pay much attention to him and didn’t think about anything, she just threw them in the trash until she realized that the shoes were her cat’s new gift.
For some reason, this had become Jordan’s new hobby.
The cat started going out every night to roam around his neighborhood in Altoona, Pennsylvania, looking for shoes that people have left outside and stealing them to take home with his mother.
“He brings home one to three shoes a night, and even if he can only wear one at a time, he always makes sure to come back to complete the other pair. We’ve probably had about 80 shoes,” Ross said.
Although his fixation is to bring other people’s shoes, he can also take over other objects.
“He also brings me baseball gloves, knee pads, elbow pads, squeaky toys, even a swimsuit,” Ross added.
Ross bought a GPS tracker and an outdoor camera so he could see Jordan, allowing her to record a video of him arriving home with his presents.
Ross created a Facebook group in the hope of finding the owners of the large collection of things he has in his possession that do not belong to him thanks to his cat.
She hopes that some of her neighbors will really know what the situation is and will be able to claim their stolen things.
“We have found an owner so far. He took about six pairs of her shoes with him! I couldn’t believe it was a cat. She was a woman who thought her children had lost them,” Ross said.
If you live in Altoona, PA and are missing some shoes the mystery has been solved, Jordan definitely took them. Share the unusual mischief of this witty cat.