Flight attendants break procedure to save dog’s life in the middle of flight

The kind-hearted flight attendants saved the suffocating dog’s life.

Though dogs are our guardian angels they need our help too. When this Chihuahua required help 2 flight attendants stepped up to save the dog’s life.

The dog’s owners Michele Burt and Steven were traveling with their three dogs. They were flying from Florida to Massachusets one of their dogs, Darcy, had some respiratory problems.

When the woman saw that her tongue was blue she knew that he was in jeopardy. Flight attendants Renaud Fenster and  Diane Asher rushed to help the dog. The crew members tried to cool Darcy with ice packs but it was to no avail. Renaud soon decided to try another thing to save the dog’s life. He brought an oxygen tank with a mask attached to it and the dog soon began to breathe again.

Michele and Steven thanked the JetBlue airplane staff for their caring attitude. It was due to them that the dog was now breathing and was sitting next to them.

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