Grace LePayne, who is 107 years old, celebrates her birthday and divulges her longevity secret.

Grace LePayne turned 107 years old on December 8, 2022. She wore adorable necklaces and gold hoops earrings as she proudly shared her wonderful day with the globe.

It wasn’t always that sunny and dazzling. LePayne had to face both the Great Depression and the passing of her son, who was 7 years old. Her husband passed away shortly after.

LePayne cherishes her family, who enjoy spending time with her. When asked about her favorite hobbies, the elderly woman laughed and said, “What do I like to do?” “I don’t want to do anything right now.

Her relatives, on the contrary, don’t agree with this sentiment pointing out that she is very busy. LePayne helps her relatives in the kitchen, goes shopping, and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Relatives from North Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois and New York came to her birthday party to share wonderful memories together. LePayne is clearly enjoying her life and couldn’t wait to celebrate with her loved ones, saying, “I’m happy to have all my family here.”

The question that many people had after meeting LePayne was always the same: everyone wanted to know how she managed to live such a long and happy life. LePayne may not have discovered the Fountain of Youth, but her sense of humor will surely keep her looking young.

How did she manage to live such a long life. She replied, “Just be happy.” – It’s the most important. If LePayne “secret” is an indication, we should be more grateful, compassionate and joyful!

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